We are very conscious of the need businesses have for constructive suggestions, and will at all times offer assistance in any area where our expertise can add value.
We undertake a wide range of audit assignments from small business through to larger enterprises and groups including:
Statutory company audits
Solicitor audits
Auctioneer audits
Charity audits
Community based audits
Pension scheme audits
Credit Union audits
Audit Requirement Details
The Company’s Act require that every company must have its annual accounts audited, except for those companies who have availed of audit exemption having met the necessary criteria.
J.J. Byrne is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants and has a wide range of experience of the audit function in a number of different business sectors.
We adopt a risk based approach to each audit assignment we undertake. The audit focuses on the key audit risk areas, which are derived from our knowledge and understanding of the entity for whom the audit assignment is being carried out.
The primary objective of the annual audit in Ireland is to provide assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or error. Our approach to the annual audit is to ensure this objective is achieved as efficiently as possible, while having a secondary objective of providing added value to companies, by way of constructive observations arising from the audit.
At the end of each assignment we provide a series of recommendations which analyse performance, highlight weaknesses and suggest improvements for the future development of the business.